Digitization and Change Management

Digitization is still a major challenge for many companies. Often there is a lack of acceptance or the appropriate organizational structure. Without this, a digital transformation in the company remains difficult to achieve. Digitization requires an innovation culture firmly anchored in the organization in order to understand it as an opportunity and to implement it successfully. Find out how your company can take advantage of this opportunity. Contact us.

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Cloud and software as a service

In the past, licenses were purchased and written-off. Today, services are booked, and its value is maintained only through its actual use. In 2020, no IT decisionmaker will be able to avoid this trend. For companies, however, it is important to focus on transforming the previous approach into a service-oriented strategy. The value added for customers must be the center of focus. Learn more about how an agile transformation can be successful here. Contact us.

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Practical application of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

We are increasingly being asked by our customers about specific scenarios concerning the use of AI technology in the company. We would be happy to explain the practical benefits of applying, for example, automatic classification of document information and automated document storage using machine learning. The detection rate is optimized in a short time using self-learning mechanisms. Find out how your company can also benefit from the use of AI. Contact us!

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Simple analysis across all company areas with keyto.rep

Keyto.rep summarizes important company key figures across periods for the relevant decision-makers in the company. This allows everyone to get exactly the information they need to make their own decisions. The individual reports are created periodically or as required – triggered by exceeding or falling below defined threshold values. Simple and safe! Learn more about keyto.rep.

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Smart Business Transformation with KeyTo

KeyTo enables a sustainable realignment of business processes through standardization, harmonization, and digitization of work processes. Learn more about how KeyTo.IT© can improve your company’s ability to manage business performance.

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Agile Business Management with KeyTo

KeyTo creates the transparency required for agile business management by integrating all relevant data, their aggregation, processing, and visualization. KeyTo.IT© supports the management of a company in its strategic alignment by making standardized and industry-specific key figures available and visualized. This means that performance indicators can be continuously monitored. KeyTo.IT© offers a comprehensive catalogue of key figures to support strategic, tactical, and operational tasks. It can access company data on all common IT processes and systems via standard interfaces. Learn more about KeyTo

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INTERVIEW: Digitization and IT Service Management (ITSM)

We spoke to Dr. Andreas Knaus, Managing Director of LINJAL GmbH, on the topic of realignment in IT service management (ITSM):

Dr. Knaus, how critical do you see the changes in IT service management?
Dr. Knaus: Customers and partners clearly reflect that the days when ITSM was essentially defined by ITIL are long gone.

How do companies and service providers need to adjust?
Dr. Knaus: The digital transformation puts additional organizational and technical requirements in the foreground, for which new solutions and concepts must be found.

What exactly do you have in mind here?
Dr. Knaus: The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) will change IT service management in a way that we cannot imagine today. Studies by the large technology groups show what we can expect in the future.

How do you position yourself as LINJAL here?
Dr. Knaus: LINJAL offers tried-and-tested concepts of how companies can benefit from digitization, and not just in IT service management. In addition, we already have KeyTo.IT in our portfolio with a smart solution that connects ITSM and AI sensibly and innovatively.

Thank you very much for the interview, Dr. Knaus.

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hier teilen wir unsere Gedanken rund um die Themen Steuerung und Kennzahlen bei Service Providern.

  • Welche strategischen Ziele hat ein Dienstleister?
  • Wie lassen sich die Ziele messen?
  • Welche Kennzahlen geben sinnvolle Steuerungsimpulse?
  • Was macht eine gute Kennzahl aus?
  • Helfen konkrete Kennzahlensteckbriefe?
  • Welche Folgerung zieht man aus einem konkreten Messwert?
  • Welche Anreizmechanismen lassen sich im Rahmen der Steuerung einsetzen?

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